
Showing posts from January, 2020

Ranking the Kendrick Brothers' Films

The Kendrick Brothers, Alex and Stephen Kendrick, are truly one of the greatest Christian filmmakers out there. These brothers are known for making Christian movies with humor, heart, and good messages about faith. In their career, they have made just six movies. But each movie they make is fantastic. Today I thought I would start a new series where I rank movies from a creator or from a franchise, and what better way to begin that than with these movies. Keep in mind that when I rank these, I don't dislike any of these films. They're all good. But there are some I like more than others. With that said, I will not be ranking all six Kendrick Brothers films from most favorite to least favorite: #6: Flywheel This is a film about a crooked car salesman who overcharges people for their cars that they want to buy. But then later on he ends his crooked practices and turns his life around, becoming a Christian. Simple, but effective plot. The reason I ranked this the lowest is becau...