A Godly Dragon Christmas 2020: Why The Virgin Birth Matters
Well everyone, it's that wonderful time of year again. I know things have been really hard this year with the coronavirus lockdowns, people losing their jobs and going through a rough time, and all the racial and political tensions that have arisen from this election year, but let's not worry about that tonight. Why? Because tonight is Christmas Eve, meaning that Christmas Day is upon us. December 25th is the chosen traditional day to celebrate the virgin birth of Jesus Christ, God the Son, on earth, who later on would live a sinless life and die on the cross for our sins so we can be with Him forever. However, the sad thing is that mainline Christian churches don't actually believe in the virgin birth and that anything in the Bible is actually true. They think the Bible is just stories with lessons to live our lives by. However, what they don't realize is that a literal virgin birth matters a great deal. In fact, that's an understatement. Our eternal fates rest on...