Otherkin Part 2: Fantasy Gone Too Far
Remember that one time two years ago when I talked about what otherkin was, and then I confessed I believed myself to be otherkin, and then I tried to come up with some weird but biblical theory for how it'd fit into a biblical worldview. Well, I take it back, because I was being nuts. If you are just coming across this video and haven't watched the original video before this, watch that one first. Link will be in the description. You see, as time went on, I really started to question my belief in otherkin. That is, I believed myself to be a dragon in spirit. However, I found that when I was believing this, I was being tempted towards unbiblical beliefs such as reincarnation and believing in spirits. The motivators behind the belief were that I felt like I didn't fit in. and I didn't want to identify as a human because it's humans that hurt me. I felt like an outcast. Those have been the sole motivations. I tried seeing if I could fit the otherkin belief into the