A dragon's first blog

Hey guys! This is Ethan Horn. Ethan the Agapesaur. Owner of the one man ministry, Godly Dragon Reviews and Apologetics. I've had my ministry on YouTube for a year now and I realized something. Many ministries have both written blogs and a YouTube channel. But I have been videos-only until now. I've decided to create this blog so I can have blog posts that people can read and so I can have my thoughts written down on paper instead of just having my thoughts spoken out loud in videos.

I will be blogging text versions of apologetics topics and movie reviews for people to read. so that they can study and re-read it without having only my voice to listen to. And it makes an easier way for people to have a discussion about the topics that I talk about. I feel discouraged that I didn't do this earlier. I wish I did this back when I started my YouTube channel. But better late than never. Besides, there are apologetics topics I've done before that I want to talk about again. And movies I've reviewed that I want to review again. so I guess it's not a total loss.

I was raised in the religion of Judaism. And I'm Jewish by ethnicity. Then I became a Messianic Jew by accepting Jesus. I tried Messianic Judaism first, but it didn't work out since I believe that they have false and restrictive teachings. So then I became a non denominational Evangelical Christian. I was an Evangelical for my first year of YouTube. This year though, I converted to Lutheran.

I've watched my ministry grow and grow during my first year of YouTube. Whenever I look back, I notice that I've come a long way. And I pray that this ministry will continue to grow. I hope that my channel and blog will appeal not just to furries but also to any Christians looking for a movie guide and a good apologist, and to unbelievers that are looking for answers to their questions. I also hope and pray that we can have civilized discussions on controversial topics. Just because I own a one man ministry doesn't mean I'm perfect. I am still an imperfect sinner like everyone else. Which is why it's good to have these discussions.

I hope and pray you will enjoy reading my blog posts! This is Ethan Horn, this was Godly Dragon Reviews and Apologetics, and you have a blessed night!


Notable Blogs

Ranking the How To Train Your Dragon Franchise

Steven Anderson's Heresy of "Easy Believism"

Otherkin: A Christian Examination