Godly Dragon Easter Message 2020: Jesus Conquered Death

Hi everyone. It's Percival the Godly Dragon here, bringing you a special Easter message this morning. Well, times are really tough right now, with the fact that events are getting cancelled, bars and restaurants are closed, and events getting cancelled left and right. But worst of all, 90% of churches have chosen to obey the government by closing their doors, preventing a proper celebrating of Easter. That being said, there is one thing that can't be taken away, and that is what Easter is all about.

So, what's Easter all about? Well, I'll tell you what Easter is all about. It's not about the Easter bunny or about Easter eggs. It's about the Resurrection of our Lord and Savior. This was when Jesus conquered death after dying on the cross for our sins, by rising again, tearing the temple curtain in two, and now he has ascended to the Father and sits at His right hand. This is so important, especially in today's situation, because in a time of fear where everyone's trying not to catch the virus and doing everything they can to keep it from spreading, we gotta remember that death was conquered which means that so long as we accept Jesus Christ's sacrifice, we're going to heaven with Him where we will live forever. If you feel hopeless there is hope and joy in Jesus Christ. There's nothing else in this world that can bring us joy. We can try to find joy and solace during this quarantine by communicating online, or by enjoying movies, video games, and TV, but all this is only temporary. The only thing we can look up to that is forever is Jesus Christ our Lord, who has Risen from the grave and has given us hope for a future where we will spend eternity with Him and be perfect. So don't worry about the future, for sufficient for the day is its own trouble. Make the best of this situation and be thankful for right now. I'm the godly dragon, and I hope you liked this Easter message. Thank you for listening.


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