Examining Infant Baptism and Baptismal Regeneration
The issue of Baptism is a topic I've been avoiding for a while because of how controversial the topic is within the Church. But now I think it's time to get my thoughts out in the open. I will be focusing on the teaching of infant baptism that is taught in the Catholic, Orthodox, and Lutheran church. And even in some Protestant churches. As well as the teaching of Baptismal Regeneration, where you must be baptized in order to be saved. Now, a year ago I used to go to a Lutheran church. And they gave me their case for infant baptism. One argument in favor of infant baptism is that Baptism parallel circumcision in the Old Testament. Where just as infants were circumcised to be part of the Old Covenant, we now baptize infants so they can be part of the New Covenant. They also believe that since infants are born with original sin, they must be baptized to wash the sin away, which creates faith in the infant. There are also several passages in Acts where the apostles declare that ...