
Showing posts from December, 2021

Home Alone Review

 Hello everybody. It's the Christmas season once again! It's been a very long time since I reviewed a movie of any sort, so I thought this would be a good time to return to reviews. You know, everyone has a Christmas tradition, such as going to church, putting up decorations, singing Christmas carols, going to see their families, and opening presents under the Christmas tree. However, my favorite Christmas tradition is watching Christmas movies and Christmas specials. I think everyone has a favorite Christmas movie, and there's many Christmas movies out there it's hard to pick just one. But I suppose if I had to pick one Christmas movie that's my favorite, there is one in particular. Released on November 16, 1990 in the United States, the movie is Home Alone.  What makes Home Alone special? Let's start with the story. The story is about a family known as The McAllisters, a very big family that is preparing for their Christmas vacation to Paris. The parents' ...